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Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Job Application Letter (JAL)


Structure of Job Application Letter

Sobat Pintar, berikut ini terdapat beberapa bagian dari surat lamaran kerja.

Bagian-bagian application letter:

Alamat surat penulis

The address of the company objected.
Untuk menulis alamat yang akan dituju harus jelas, agar pihak pengirim tidak salah alamat perusahaan yang dituju.

Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring
Dalam mengirim surat lamaran seharusnya langsung ditujukan ke orang atau pihak yang dituju.

Opening paragraph
Di dalam paragraf pembuka dapat disebutkan secara spesifik pekerjaan atau jabatan yang dituju atau juga menanyakan informasi perihal jabatan atau posisi yang dibuka.

Middle Paragraph / Body
Di bagian ini harus menjelaskan pengalaman kerja yang sesuai dengan posisi yang dibutuhkan atau dilamar. Tidak perlu mengulang kembali informasi yang sudah disertakan dalam resume/curriculum vitae yang sudah kamu lampirkan. Kita cukup memberikan alasan kuat mengapa kita layak mengisi posisi tersebut.

Closing signature 
Di bagian ini dapat menanyakan kemungkinan jadwal interview dan juga sertakan nomor yang dapat dihubungi serta alamat email yang aktif, sehingga HRD atau petugas yang bertanggung jawab dapat menghubungi dengan mudah.

Selalu beri tanda tangan pada surat lamaran yang dikirim.

Example of Job Application Letter

 Address -->>>        28 – C 4th floor
Main 26th street

Touched Area V DHA,

Subject: Application for Employment

Best regards,

Opening Paragraph -->>> In accordance with the offer of a job vacancy from the Advertisement, I want to apply as an accountant on your company. My brief data, as shown below:

Name : Fina Ayu
Place & date of birth :Lampung, June 7, 1992
Last of Education : Accountant at UNS
Address :Jl. Pramuka Labuhan Ratu 1 Pekalongan
Phone number :081273471366
E-mail address: [email protected]
Marital Status : Not married

Middle Paragraph or Body -->>> I have a very good health condition and am able to speak English both orally and in writing. My education background is satisfactory. I have been accustomed to working with computers. Especially operate MS Office application packages, such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I love to learn, and can work independently and in teams with good. For your consideration, I attach the following biographical data (Curriculum Vitae).

Closing Signature -->>> I hope Mr / Mrs willing to take the time to give me the opportunity to join an interview as soon as possible.

Signature -->> Sincerely,

Fina Ayu

Example of Job Application Letter

Mr. William Chan
Personal Manager
Wong and Lim Consulting

PO Box 583, Kwai Chung

Dear Mr. Chan
I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hongkong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2019.

My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.

Currently, I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hongkong Polytechnic University, graduating in 2019. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and Strategic Management.

During my studies I have had the post of Executive in management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.

I am available for an interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,
Wong Wai Man Wilfred

Excl : Resume


Read the following text to answer the question!

28 – C 4th floor
Main 26th street

Touched Area V DHA,

Subject: Application for Employment

Best regards,

In accordance with the offer of a job vacancy from the Advertisement, I want to apply as an accountant for your company. My brief data, as shown below:

Name : Fina Ayu
Place & date of birth :Lampung, June 7, 1992
Last of Education : Accountant at UNS
Address :Jl. Pramuka Labuhan Ratu 1 Pekalongan
Phone number :081273471366
E-mail address: [email protected]
Marital Status : Not married

I have a very good health condition and am able to speak English both orally and in writing. My education background is satisfactory. I have been accustomed to working with computers. Especially operate MS Office application packages, such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I love to learn about new things. I can work independently and in a team well. For your consideration, I attach the following Curriculum Vitae.

I hope Mr/Mrs will be willing to take the time to give me the opportunity to join an interview as soon as possible.

Fina Ayu

Which of the following is not included in the text?

A. She is an alumnus from UNS.
B. She only studied for 3.5 years.
C. She is able to use English in spoken and written form.
D. She graduated with a satisfactory result.
E. She is single.



She only studied for 3.5 years.


Pertanyaan: Yang mana dari pernyataan dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk dalam teks?

Yang tidak sesuai adalah kalimat She only studied for 3.5 years (Dia hanya kuliah selama 3.5 tahun).


Read the following text to answer the question!

28 – C 4th floor
Main 26th street

Touched Area V DHA,

Subject: Application for Employment

Best regards,

In accordance with the offer of a job vacancy from the Advertisement, I want to apply as an accountant for your company. My brief data, as shown below:

Name : Fina Ayu
Place & date of birth :Lampung, June 7, 1992
Last of Education : Accountant at UNS
Address :Jl. Pramuka Labuhan Ratu 1 Pekalongan
Phone number :081273471366
E-mail address: [email protected]
Marital Status : Not married

I have a very good health condition and am able to speak English both orally and in writing. My education background is satisfactory. I have been accustomed to working with computers. Especially operate MS Office application packages, such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I love to learn about new things. I can work independently and in a team well. For your consideration, I attach the following Curriculum Vitae.

I hope Mr/Mrs will be willing to take the time to give me the opportunity to join an interview as soon as possible.

Fina Ayu

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To present her alma mater, UNS.
B. To apply for an accountant position.
C. To test her English skill in spoken and written form.
D. To apply for a job at the UNS.
E. To present her skills in working independently.



To apply for an accountant position.


Pertanyaan: Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut?

Teks tersebut bertujuan untuk melamar pekerjaan di posisi sebagai akuntan.


Answer the following question!

Subject: Assistant Communications Director – Joseph Q. Applicant

Dear Hiring Manager:

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities incumbent upon the next Assistant Director closely match my experience, and so I am excited to submit my resume to you for your consideration.

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

While Assistant Communications Director for Assembly person Janet Brown, I researched, drafted, and amended legislation, wrote press releases, and was responsible for office communications and correspondence.

My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


Joseph Q. Applicant
[email protected]

Source: scholarsenglish.id

Where does the applicant find the job vacancy?

A. Indeed
B. Craigslist
C. LinkedIn
D. Getwork
E. FlexJobs





Di mana pelamar mendapatkan info lowongan pekerjaan tersebut?

Pelamar mendapatkan info lowongan pekerjaan tersebut di Craigslist. Hal ini terdapat pada surat lamaran kerja di atas pada paragraf pertama.

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist ....
(Membaca unggahan pekerjaan 1 September Anda di Craigslist ....)


Answer the following question!

Subject: Assistant Communications Director – Joseph Q. Applicant

Dear Hiring Manager:

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities incumbent upon the next Assistant Director closely match my experience, and so I am excited to submit my resume to you for your consideration.

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

While Assistant Communications Director for Assembly person Janet Brown, I researched, drafted, and amended legislation, wrote press releases, and was responsible for office communications and correspondence.

My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


Joseph Q. Applicant
[email protected]

Source: scholarsenglish.id

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest.
The word piqued can be best replaced by ....

A. stimulated
B. fulfilled
C. granted
D. passed
E. offended





Kata "piqued" sebaiknya diganti dengan ....

Dalam konteks kalimat tersebut kata piqued artinya membangkitkan (minat atau rasa ingin tahu). Maka dari itu, kata yang tepat untuk menggantikan kata "piqued" adalah stimulated yang artinya juga membangkitkan.

Sementara itu, opsi lain tidak tepat.
B. fulfilled : memenuhi 
C. granted : mengabulkan
D. passed : melewati
E. offended : menyinggung


Answer the following question!

Subject: Assistant Communications Director – Joseph Q. Applicant

Dear Hiring Manager:

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities incumbent upon the next Assistant Director closely match my experience, and so I am excited to submit my resume to you for your consideration.

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

While Assistant Communications Director for Assembly person Janet Brown, I researched, drafted, and amended legislation, wrote press releases, and was responsible for office communications and correspondence.

My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


Joseph Q. Applicant
[email protected]

Source: scholarsenglish.id

The following is what the applicant did when he worked as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, except ....

A. He managed the editing and posting of contributing articles.
B. He wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers
C. He wrote articles for the company website.
D. He managed their social media presence.
E. He managed the content for company advertisement.



He managed the content for company advertisement.


Berikut yang dilakukan pelamar ketika bekerja sebagai Asisten Direktur Komunikasi Perusahaan ABC, kecuali ....

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

Dalam posisi saya sebagai Asisten Direktur Komunikasi untuk Perusahaan ABC, saya menulis artikel untuk situs web perusahaan, mengelola pengeditan dan pengunggahan artikel yang berkontribusi, mengelola tampilan media sosial mereka, dan menulis serta mengirimkan buletin email mingguan kepada pelanggan.  Saya juga menerapkan alat email otomatis yang meningkatkan basis pelanggan perusahaan sebesar 40% dalam waktu enam bulan.


Answer the following question!

Subject: Assistant Communications Director – Joseph Q. Applicant

Dear Hiring Manager:

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities incumbent upon the next Assistant Director closely match my experience, and so I am excited to submit my resume to you for your consideration.

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

While Assistant Communications Director for Assembly person Janet Brown, I researched, drafted, and amended legislation, wrote press releases, and was responsible for office communications and correspondence.

My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


Joseph Q. Applicant
[email protected]

Source: scholarsenglish.id

What's the effect of implementing an automated email tool that the applicant did when he was in ABC Company?

A. Sending emails faster to the recipients
B. Reducing the risk of sending email to incorrect email address
C. Growing the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months
D. Getting reply faster by the recipients
E. Improving the company's subscribers by 60% in six months



Growing the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months


Apa pengaruh penerapan alat email otomatis yang dilakukan pelamar ketika dia berada di Perusahaan ABC?

I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.
(Saya juga menerapkan alat email otomatis yang meningkatkan basis pelanggan perusahaan sebesar 40% selama enam bulan).


Answer the following question!

Subject: Assistant Communications Director – Joseph Q. Applicant

Dear Hiring Manager:

Reading your September 1st job posting on Craigslist for an Assistant Communications Director piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities incumbent upon the next Assistant Director closely match my experience, and so I am excited to submit my resume to you for your consideration.

In my position as an Assistant Communications Director for ABC Company, I wrote articles for the company website, managed the editing and posting of contributing articles, managed their social media presence, and wrote and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. I also implemented an automated email tool that grew the company’s subscriber base by 40% within six months.

While Assistant Communications Director for Assembly person Janet Brown, I researched, drafted, and amended legislation, wrote press releases, and was responsible for office communications and correspondence.

My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


Joseph Q. Applicant
[email protected]

Source: scholarsenglish.id

What was the applicant responsible for when he worked for ABC Company?

A. Assistant Communications Director
B. Office Communications and Correspondence
C. Assembly person
D. Human Resource Development Office
E. Hiring Manager



Office Communications and Correspondence


Apa yang menjadi tanggung jawab pelamar kerja ketika dia bekerja untuk ABC Company?

Ketika dia bekerja untuk ABC Company, dia bertanggung jawab untuk Komunikasi dan Korespondensi Kantor.

I ... was responsible for office communications and correspondence.
(Saya ... bertanggung jawab atas komunikasi dan korespondensi kantor).

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