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Memahami Descriptive Text: Pengertian dan Contohnya

Pengertian dan contoh lengkap descriptive text tentang tempat, peliharaan, benda, orang, makanan, rasi bintang, dan teman

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson from Unsplash

Apa Itu Descriptive Text?

Pada dasarnya penjelasan descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Sesuatu ini bentuknya bisa berupa apa saja, baik itu hewan, benda, lokasi, dan lain sebagainya.

Biasanya descriptive text ditandai dengan penggunaan easy tense dan fokus pada satu objek secara spesifik. Objek tersebut kemudian dibahas kembali secara lebih detail dalam teks deskriptif tersebut. Lalu apa bedanya dengan recount text?
an suatu hal secara lebih detail. Descriptive text juga dapat berarti: Text deskriptif memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana sesuatu atau seseorang terlihat, text ini menggunakan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang seperti apa. Text deskriptif juga memberikan fakta-fakta tentang bagaimana Bahasa Indonesia benar-benar digunakan sesuai dengan aturan serta bagaimana seharusnya text ini digunakan.

Sekilas kamu akan melihat contoh recount text, yang kemudian menceritakan kembali kisah yang terjadi di masa lampau, dengan penggunaan easy past. Sementara descriptive text menggambarkan suatu hal secara lebih detail. Descriptive text juga dapat berarti:

  1. Text deskriptif memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana sesuatu atau seseorang terlihat, text ini menggunakan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang seperti apa.
  2. Text deskriptif juga memberikan fakta-fakta tentang bagaimana Bahasa Indonesia benar-benar digunakan sesuai dengan aturan serta bagaimana seharusnya text ini digunakan.

7 Contoh Descriptive Text

Photo by Scott Graham from Unsplash

Desriptive Text tentang Tempat

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan suatu tempat.


Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.

Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.

After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.

Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to change their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

Desriptive Text tentang Hewan Peliharaan

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan hewan peliharaan yang dimiliki penulis.


My Cat

Nunu is my pet’s name. He is a male fluffy kitten. He has greyish-brown fur all over his body and tail. He has black stripes over his front and hid leg. His eyes’ color is black and his nose is also black. He has short little tail. He has a pair of black triangular ear. Although he has claws on his feet but he isn’t harmful.

I feed Nunu regularly, three times a day. He likes most food I give to him, such as salty dried fish, raw and cooked fish and meat, or even chicken and fish bone. He only drinks freshwater as I never give milk to him

I train Nunu to keep his cleanliness by providing him litter pan. Sometimes, I also wash him to make him clean. I usually play with him by using a piece of paper that I tied by yarn. When I pull the yarn up and down, the moving piece of paper will attract him and he will chase it. He is so amazing with his playful habit. I will look after him until he grows to be an adult cat.

Desriptive Text tentang Benda

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan benda yang diketahui penulis.

My Favorite Shoes

I always fall in love with basketball shoes. It is not because I like to play basketball, I just feel comfort and confidence with it. I finally got one from my father when we were in Solo three years ago. At that moment, when I came to the store with my father, I try a couple of shoes, and when I put this one on me, I knew it right away that this is my favorite shoes.

The colour of my favorite shoes is black. There are two gray stripes on the outer side of the shoes. The colour of the sole is white with some circular pattern painted in black on the bottom of it. The surface of the sole is flat, which means this shoes has no heel. The shoes has white shoelace and two straps binding the eyestay of the shoes. It makes the tongue of the shoes always in steady position. The insole is made of foam rubber and the colour is red. It is very soft and comfortable.

Desriptive Text tentang Orang

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan seseorang, dapat berupa seorang tokoh idola, keluarga, atau orang lain yang dikenal penulis.



I like one singer from Indonesia, Tulus. Tulus is a singer who is unique and liked by many people. He has a fairly fat body and has a distinctive voice. So Tulus is very distinguishable from other Indonesian singers. Apart from being a singer, Tulus is also a songwriter.

Tulus is also an architect graduated from the Catholic Parahyangan University in Bandung. Tulus started his career by singing jazz music. Through several events such as community events and campus events, Tulus further honed his talents. Through Sikuai Band, Tulus further developed his musical ability with other band members.

Tulus has the first album made by a famous producer, Ari Renaldi. The Tulus album was released by its own company, Tulus Record. Many of Tulus’ songs have been able to become the top pop songs on many Indonesian radios. Even well-known magazines such as “Rolling Stone Indonesia” also named him Rookie Editor of the Year 2013.

Desriptive Text tentang Makanan

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan suatu makanan yang diketahui penulis.


Fried Rice

Fried rice is a typical Indonesian food. Fried rice is a very popular food. The ingredients for making fried rice are rice, cooking oil, soy sauce, and other seasonings. Everyone loves fried rice. Fried rice is very good. Initially, fried rice came from China. Fried rice has been around since 4000 BC.

Desriptive Text tentang Rasi Bintang

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan tentang rasi bintang.


GEMINI (jem´-i-ni)—THE TWINS. (Face West.)

Location.—A line drawn from β to κ Ursæ Majoris and prolonged an equal distance ends near Castor, in Gemini. Gemini is characterized by two nearly parallel rows of stars.

The northern row if extended would reach Taurus, the southern one Orion. Note the fine cluster 35 M. Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 a short distance southwest of it.

Two wonderful streams of little stars run parallel northwest on each side of the cluster. Where the ecliptic crosses the solstitial colure is the spot where the sun appears to be when it is farthest north of the equator, June 21st.

Castor is a fine double for a telescope, and Pollux has three little attendant stars. An isoceles triangle is formed by Castor, Aldebaran in Taurus, and Capella in Auriga.

There is a record of an occultation in Gemini noted about the middle of the fourth century b.c.

The Arabs saw in this group of stars two peacocks, the Egyptians two sprouting plants, and the Hindus twin deities, while in the Buddhist zodiac they represented a woman holding a golden cord. Since classic times, however, the figure has always been that of human twins.

At the point indicated near θ a new star was discovered by Enebo in March, 1912. It attained a maximum of about magnitude 3.5 and has at this writing waned to the eleventh magnitude.

Desriptive Text tentang Teman

Deskriptive text tentang tempat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan teman yang dikenal penulis.


My Friend

I have a very good friend. His name is Ayun. She’s my classmate. He is a beautiful and kind friend. I know him for about two years. We have met since the first time we met at the College, IAIN Tulungagung which at that time was the announcement day for class distribution for new students.

Ayun is my confidant. He was very excited to be invited to chat. I feel suitable to be friends with him. My friend Ayun has an ideal body. It’s about 152 cm tall and weighs around 50 kg. She’s sweet black. The teeth are neat and sparkling white. He looks very charming when smiling.

In addition to her beautiful face, Ayun is very kind and friendly to everyone. He is very sociable. Cheerful swinging children. He likes to have fun. He loves traveling. He has a fantastic sense of humor and he always makes me laugh. He can’t see his friend sad. When his friend is sad, he will cheer up with all his strength until his friend smiles again. But he has a great ambition when doing something. What is desired must be achieved.

Ayun also likes to listen to music, and sometimes he spends money on shopping. He often invited me to take a walk. We also often buy meals together. Everywhere we are always together. So often together, some of our friends said, there I am sure to be Ayun. It’s a pleasure for me to be with him and know him. Hopefully we will remain close friends forever.


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