Materi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) - The Use of 'Should' Kelas 10 MIA - Belajar Pintar
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Form of Should + Simple
Berikut adalah form dalam The Use of Should + Simple:
a. Positive: Subject + should + Verb1 + Object + Complement
b. Negative: Subject + should + not + Verb1 + Object + Complement
c. Interrogative: Should + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Complement + ?
Form of Should + Continuous
Berikut adalah form dalam The Use of Should + Continuous:
a. Positive: Subject + should + be + Verb-ing + Object + Complement
b. Negative: Subject + should + not + be + Verb-ing + Object + Complement
c. Interrogative: Should + Subject + be + Verb-ing + Object + Complement + ?
Form of Should + Perfect
Berikut adalah form dalam The Use of Should + Perfect:
a. Positive: Subject + should + Have + Verb3 + Object + Complement
b. Negative: Subject + should + Have + not + Verb3 + Object + Complement
c. Interrogative: Should + Subject + Have + Verb3 + Object + Complement + ?
Materi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) SMA - 10 MIA Lainnya
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