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Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Analytical Exposition


Analytical Exposition

Hai, Sobat Pintar, saat di kehidupan sehari-hari, kalian mencoba tanpa henti membujuk siapapun untuk percaya atau menyetujui suatu hal, maka kalian sudah menerapkan konsep dari Analytical Exposition text.

A.    Definition
Analytical Exposition text adalah teks yang membahas sebuah topik secara kritis akan tetapi hanya berfokus pada salah satu pendapat. Pendapat dan sudut pandang dari kalian harus dijelaskan berdasar fakta dan informasi yang berhubungan. Pernyataan yang kamu jabarkan juga harus dituliskan kembali di bagian akhir. (Analytical Exposition Text is a text that discusses a topic critically but only focuses on one opinion. Your opinion and point of view must be explained based on facts and pertinent information. The statement that you describe must also be rewritten at the end.)

B.    Social Function 
Tujuan seseorang menuliskan teks eksposisi analitis (Analytical Exposition Text) adalah untuk membujuk para pembaca untuk melihat sebuah isu dari sudut pandang penulis. (The purpose of someone writing an analytical exposition text is to persuade the reader to see an issue from the author's point of view.)

Important Points in Writing Analytical Exposition

Sobat pintar, dengan menuliskan sebuah teks eksposisi kita perlu memerhatikan poin penting dari sebuah teks berikut.
Sebuah teks eksposisi analitis (analytical exposition text) perlu untuk :

1.    Menyatakan dengan jelas sudut pandang ke pembaca. (Point of view)
2.    Menggunakan hasil penelitian yang sah untuk mendukung sudut pandang. (Using valid research results to support the point of view.)
3.    Mempertahankan sudut pandang. (Maintain point of view.)
4.    Mendukung sudut pandang dengan data fakta seperti grafik dan gambar. (Supports point of view with factual data such as graphs and images.)

Expressions Used in Exposition

Sobat Pintar, kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa ekspresi di bawah ini saat menulis teks eksposisi analitis (analytical exposition) untuk menyatakan argumen / pendapat.

  • I do not agree / think that .... (Saya tidak setuju terhadap ....)
  • I would like to remind you .... (Saya ingin mengingatkan anda ....)
  • It is important for us to .... (Hal ini penting untuk kita ....)
  • I believe that .... (Saya percaya bahwa ....)
  • I am convinced that .... (Saya yakin bahwa ....)
  • Let me tell you .... (Ijinkan saya menceritakan padamu ....)
  • Try to remember .... (Coba mengingat ....)


Read the following question!

What does analytical exposition differ from other texts?

A. Analytical Exposition explains an issue in detail.
B. Analytical Exposition reports every new issue.
C. Analytical Exposition explains an issue only from the writer's point of view.
D. Analytical Exposition explains the steps how something is done.
E. Analytical Exposition explains something in general.



Analytical Exposition explains an issue only from the writer's point of view.


Yang membuat teks eksposisi analitis berbeda adalah bagaimana penulis menjelaskan secara kritis sebuah isu hanya dari sudut pandangnya saja.


Read the following question!

What should be included in a good analytical exposition?

A. Writer's point of view, the description of the issue, and the steps on how to deal with the issue.
B. Valid data that supports the writer's arguments, the writer's experience, and the writer's clear arguments.
C. Writer's clear arguments, valid data and factual data that supports the arguments.
D. The steps on how to deal with the issue, explanation of the issue in general, and the writer's clear point of view.
E. The description of the issue, the steps how to deal with the issue, and factual data use in the exposition.



Writer's clear arguments, valid data and factual data that supports the arguments.


Hal yang harus ada dalam teks eksposisi adalah:

  1. menyatakan dengan jelas sudut pandang ke pembaca,
  2. menggunakan hasil penelitian yang sah untuk mendukung sudut pandang,
  3. mempertahankan sudut pandang,
  4. mendukung sudut pandang dengan data fakta seperti grafik dan gambar.


Read the following question!

What is the purpose of analytical exposition?

A. To retell past experiences by recalling the events in chronological order.
B. To tell the readers about the detail information of events, accidents or incidents that have happened.
C. To provide factual information about specific subject.
D. To persuade the readers by presenting writer’s arguments.
E. To present arguments from different viewpoints.



To persuade the readers by presenting writer’s arguments.


Pertanyaan: Apa tujuan dari Eksposisi analitis?

Teks eksposisi analitis berisi argumen serta dilengkapi data penelitian dengan tujuan untuk membujuk para pembaca untuk melihat sebuah isu dari sudut pandang penulis.

Jawaban yang bermakna sama dengan penjelasan tersebut adalah To persuade the readers by presenting writer’s arguments


Read the following question!

What are expressions commonly found in an analytical exposition?

A. I believe that
B. I’d love to
C. I’m so sorry
D. I’d like to ask
E. I am able to



I believe that


Pertanyaan: Ungkapan apa yang umum ditemukan dalam eksposisi analitis?

Dalam sebuah teks eksposisi analitis terdapat beberapa ekspresi yang bisa digunakan, diantaranya:

  • I believe that …
  • It is important for us to …
  • Let me tell you ….
  • I do not agree / think that …
  • I would like to remind you …


Read the following question!

To strengthen the information, we need to provide ... in analytical exposition.

A. Arguments only
B. Pictures
C. Facts in form of graphics and pictures.
D. Researcher pictures.
E. Writer’s graphic.



Facts in form of graphics and pictures.


Pertanyaan: Untuk mendukung informasi, kita perlu menyediakan ... dalam eksposisi analitis.

Beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan teks eksposisi analitis adalah:

  • Menyatakan sudut pandang dengan jelas (clearly stated the viewpoint)
  • Menggunakan hasil penelitian yang sah (use valid data from research result)
  • Mempertahankan sudut pandang (defending the viewpoint)
  • Mendukung sudut pandang dengan data fakta; grafik dan gambar (support the viewpoint with data in graphics and pictures)


Read the following text!

As we all know, cars create pollution and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our road's biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

What is one of the diseases caused by pollution?

B. Bronchitis.
C. Liver.
D. Fever.
E. Cholera.





Jawabannya adalah B.

Penyakit yang bisa muncul karena polusi adalah bronchitis.


Read the following text!

As we all know, cars create pollution and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our road's biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

What tense is mostly used in the text?

A. Past tense.
B. Simple present tense.
C. Simple perfect tense.
D. Present continuous tense.
E. Past continuous tense.



Simple present tense.


Jawabannya adalah B.

Tense yang digunakan dalam Analytical Exposition adalah simple present tense.

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