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Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

News Item


News Item

News Item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian/peristiwa harian (News Item is a text that provides information about events/occurrences of the day). Peristiwa harian ini dianggap pantas dijadikan berita atau penting.

Tujuan seseorang menuliskan news item adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada pembaca, pemirsa, atau pendengar, berita yang menarik dan layak menjadi berita dan dengan cara pemberitaan yang mengundang perhatian publik (The purpose of news item is to inform the readers, viewers or listeners about interesting and decent events of being news in a way which attracts public attention).

Nah, Sobat Pintar, kalian dapat menemukan berbagai macam berita di media apa saja sih?

Yuk, share pendapat kalian di kolom komentar ya!

Characteristics of News Item

Sobat Pintar, diantara kalian ada yang sudah tahukah apa saja yang mencirikan sebuah teks termasuk dalam News Item?

  • Fokus pada suatu kejadian
  • Terdapat headline yang mengandung informasi singkat
  • Menggunakan beberapa kata kerja yang berguna untuk menginformasikan sesuatu, seperti (happened, told, said, informed, quoted, reported, etc.)
  • Terdapat kalimat tidak langsung dan kalimat langsung yang menggunakan tanda kutip ("....")
  • Di dalam teks ini mengandung keterangan tempat, waktu dan juga detail peristiwanya terjadi.
  • Salah satu teks yang dapat menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menjelaskan fakta dan juga Simple Past Tense yang menjelaskan kejadian masa lampau.

Contoh Kalimat dalam News Item

Pay attention to the following news item!

2022 Travel Trend; Tourists Turn to Nature-based Tourism, Road Trip

Translator: Dewi Elvia Muthiariny

Editor: Petir Garda Bhwana

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) predicted that nature-based or outdoor tourism will still become a travel trend in 2022 as tourists do not only seek travel experience but also wellness trips amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“People will look for different locations and experiences through outdoor travel experiences,” said PHRI Human Resources Training Chair Alexander Nayoan on Tuesday, November 30.

According to Alexander, tourists will still enjoy sites that provide fresh air and get a healthy and safe experience. In addition, they still tend to choose to travel in small groups consisting of their inner circles.

Many tourists also prefer to schedule their own travel plans, including booking accommodation and tickets through online travel agencies. “So companies that are able to develop today are those that have adapted in the digital era,” Alexander opined.

He also estimated there will be an increase in the number of people traveling between cities or between provinces by road due to better infrastructure. This, he added, would bring good impacts on the economy.

Unfortunately, Alexander said foreign tourist visits could not be expected to boost the country’s tourism. If the situation is safe, tourists from Australia are forecasted to start coming in mid-2022 in line with the local school holidays. Meanwhile, tourists from China may arrive later as the country is still considering various aspects of safe travel. “This all surely depends on regulations of the respective country governments,” he concluded.

Adapted from: en.tempo.co

Jenis-Jenis Contoh Kalimat dalam News Item

  • Contoh kalimat langsung
  1. “People will look for different locations and experiences through outdoor travel experiences,” said PHRI Human Resources Training Chair Alexander Nayoan on Tuesday, November 30.
  2. “So companies that are able to develop today are those that have adapted in the digital era,” Alexander opined.
  • Contoh kalimat tidak langsung
  1. The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) predicted that nature-based or outdoor tourism will still become a travel trend in 2022 as tourists do not only seek travel experience but also wellness trips amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Unfortunately, Alexander said foreign tourist visits could not be expected to boost the country’s tourism.

Contoh penggunaan Simple Present Tense untuk menjelaskan fakta dan juga Simple Past Tense yang menjelaskan kejadian masa lampau

  • Contoh penggunaan Simple Present Tense untuk menjelaskan fakta
  1. In addition, they still tend to choose to travel in small groups consisting of their inner circles.
  2. Many tourists also prefer to schedule their own travel plans, including booking accommodation and tickets through online travel agencies.

  • Contoh penggunaan Simple Past Tense untuk menjelaskan kejadian masa lampau
  1. This, he added, would bring good impacts on the economy.
  2. Unfortunately, Alexander said foreign tourist visits could not be expected to boost the country’s tourism.

Example of News Media

Sobat, kini semakin banyak berita berbahasa inggris yang dapat menjadi sarana kalian belajar mandiri.

Berikut ini contoh-contoh portal berita berbahasa Inggris yang dapat kalian kunjungi:

Source: colorlib.com

  1. thejakartapost.com
  2. en.tempo.co
  3. jakartaglobe.id
  4. en.antaranews.coma
  5. bcnews.go.com
  6. theguardian.com
  7. bbc.com
  8. nypost.com
  9. cnbc.com
  10. usatoday.com
  11. nbcnews.com
  12. nytimes.com
  13. wsj.com
  14. washingtonpost.com
  15. nationsonline.org
  16. thenation.com
  17. usnews.com

Yuk, kalian juga bisa saling share biasanya media yang mana yang kalian kunjungi untuk membaca berita berbahasa inggris!


Answer the following question!

The text that provides information about events/occurrences of the day is ....

A. Infographic
B. Magazine
C. Anecdote Text
D. Spoof Text
E. News Item



News Item


Teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian/peristiwa harian adalah News Item.


Answer the following question!

What is the purpose of a news item?

A. To retell about past occurrence in a sequence of events
B. To explain about something in a detailed way
C. To inform about interesting and decent events of being news
D. To inform complex information and data in a simple way
E. To tell about true story which has unexpected or funny ending



To inform about interesting and decent events of being news


Tujuan dari news item adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi berita yang menarik dan layak menjadi berita dan dengan cara pemberitaan yang mengundang perhatian publik (The purpose of news item is to inform about interesting and decent events of being news in a way which attracts public attention).


Answer the following question!

Which of the following is a verb to inform something?

A. reported
B. delayed
C. yelled
D. decided
E. postponed






Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan kata kerja untuk menginformasikan sesuatu?

Kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menginformasikan sesuatu dalam news item diantaranya yaitu sebagai berikut happened, told, said, informed, quoted, reported, etc.


Answer the following question!

Which of the following belongs to the English News Portal?

A. theguardian.com
B. britannica.com
C. hipmunk.com
D. hefissto.gr/en
E. edx.org






Manakah dari berikut ini yang termasuk portal berita berbahasa Inggris?

Dari pilihan jawaban tersebut yang termasuk portal berita berbahasa Inggris adalah theguardian.com

Sementara itu, opsi jawaban lain tidak tepat.

B. britannica.com
(encyclopedia website)

C. hipmunk.com
(travelling website)

D. hefissto.gr/en
(website design inspiration)

E. edx.org 
(free online courses website)


Answer the following question!

The following are characteristics of a News Item, except ....

A. Focus in a specific event
B. There is a headline that contains brief information
C. Describe something in general
D. It has direct and indirect speech
E. Use several verbs to inform something



Describe something in general



Berikut ini merupakan ciri-ciri dari News Item, kecuali mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum (describe something in general) karena ini merupakan tujuan dari report text.


Answer the following question!

What is contained in the headline of the news item?

A. Source of picture
B. A brief information
C. A comprehensive ideas
D. Supporting Ideas
E. A detailed information



A brief information


Apakah yang terkandung dalam kepala berita (judul berita)?

Headline dalam News Item (berita) mengandung informasi singkat (a brief information).


Answer the following question!

What is the main characteristic of direct speech in the News Item?

A. Using verbs as the connector
B. Using verbs to inform something
C. Using a quotation mark
D. Using an exclamation mark
E. Using a question mark



Using a quotation mark


Apakah ciri utama dari kalimat langsung dalam News Item?

Ciri kalimat langsung dalam News Item adalah menggunakan tanda kutip ("....") ---> Using a quotation mark.

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