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Bahasa Inggris

Greeting Card


Know More: Greeting Card

Semakin canggih masa kini, kita mungkin semakin jarang mengirim Kartu ucapan selamat pada orang lain sebagaimana orang di jaman dulu melakukannya.

Namun, kita masih dapat mengirimkannya meski dengan metode pengirimannya yang berbeda. Seperti halnya:

  • Greeting card
  • Phone call
  • Text message
  • E-mail

Selain itu, terdapat juga beberapa ungkapan Expression yang digunakan untuk hari spesial yang lebih spesifik.

  • Many happy returns!
  • Season’s greetings
  • Thanks! You’re the best in the world!
  • Wishing you all the best for a happy future together.’
  • Congratulations on the birth of your new son.’
  • Well done! I knew you could do it!’
  • Congratulations to you both! We are looking forward to the big day.

Example of Greeting Card

Someone's Achievement

Dear Chen,

Congratulations on your new April project.
All the hard work has finally paid off by the great responses you get.

I am really proud of you.


Someone's Graduation

Dear  Ray,

Hey, bro. Congrats for your master graduation!
We are waiting for your coming.

Proud of you, bro.


Someone's Birthday

Dear  Toni,

Happy birthday for you, bro!
I hope you get the greatest birthday gift this year.

Being healthy is just the most important.

Let wrap a birthday party, like what we had last year. It was fab!

Saturday Gym Squad

Ayo, Sobat, kalian juga coba buat greeting card yang singkat seperti contoh di atas.

Setelah ini, yuk kita pelajari contoh lainnya.

Example of Greeting Card

Teacher's Day

Dear  Ms. Ayu,

Thank you for your patience in teaching us.
I hope you will always remember us.
Be happy and be healthy, Miss.

Class IX-A

Mother's Day

Dear Mom,

I know that I am a bit troublesome for you.
I hope that the best thing happen and come for you.
Be healthy and amazing as usual.

Your beloved daughter,

Father's Day

Dear Dad,

We don't spend most of our time together.
But, I wish the best for you for today and ever.

Your son,

Yuk, Sobat, kalian share  di kolom komentar, tanggal berapa aja sih, Hari Guru, Hari Ibu, dan juga Hari Ayah.

Kalian juga boleh lho, coba praktikkan.


Read the text below and answer the question!

Dear  Ms. Ayu,

Thank you for your patience in teaching us.
I hope you will always remember us.
Be happy and be healthy, Miss.

Class IX-A

From the text, we know that ....

A. the class sent the card for their parents
B. the card is for celebrating teacher's day
C. the class has been patience for long
D. the class is hoping Ms. Ayu getting better



the card is for celebrating teacher's day


Pertanyaan: Dari teks tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa ....

Terdapat Thank you for your patience in teaching us.,
sehingga kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa kartu tersebut dikirimkan untuk guru mereka (teacher).


Read the text below and answer the question!

Dear  Ms. Ayu,

Thank you for your patience in teaching us.
I hope you will always remember us.
Be happy and be healthy, Miss.

Class IX-A

What does the word hope mean?

A. Patience
B. Calm
C. Dream
D. Wish





Pertanyaan: Apa arti dari kata hope?

Hope memiliki makna berharap dan memiliki makna serupa dengan wish.

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