Belajar Pintar Materi SMP, SMA, SMK
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Attitude Expressed
Attitude Expressed merujuk pada sikap, pandangan, atau emosi penulis terhadap topik yang dibahas. Sikap ini tercermin dalam pilihan kata, nada, dan gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks.
- Contoh sikap penulis:
- Positif: Optimistic, appreciative, supportive.
- Negatif: Critical, skeptical, disappointed.
- Netral: Objective, indifferent.
- Spesifik: Cynical, sarcastic, hopeful.
Elemen Sikap
- Tone (Nada): Sikap penulis dapat dilihat dari nada tulisan, misalnya formal, informal, humoris, atau serius.
- Choice of Words (Diksi): Kata-kata seperti unfortunately, excellent, harmful, atau outrageous menunjukkan sikap penulis terhadap topik.
- Context (Konteks): Sikap terkadang tergantung pada konteks kalimat yang mendukung.
Strategi Menjawab
- Identifikasi kata kunci emosional dalam teks (misalnya thrilled, disappointed, alarming).
- Perhatikan frasa penekanan atau evaluasi, seperti:
- "It is surprising that…" --> menunjukkan rasa heran.
- "This remarkable achievement…" --> menunjukkan kekaguman.
- Pastikan memahami keseluruhan konteks paragraf.
Contoh Soal
"Although the new policy was designed to improve workers' welfare, it has led to widespread confusion and frustration among employees."
What is the author's attitude toward the new policy?
a. Approving
b. Supportive
c. Disappointed
d. Neutral
Jawaban: c. Disappointed
(Frasa "confusion and frustration" menunjukkan kekecewaan terhadap kebijakan tersebut.)
Sinonim adalah kata-kata yang memiliki makna sama atau serupa, tetapi penggunaannya sering bergantung pada konteks. Soal sinonim menguji pemahaman peserta terhadap kosakata bahasa Inggris dan kemampuan memahami konteks.
Jenis Soal Sinonim
- Sinonim Langsung: Peserta diminta memilih kata yang paling mirip artinya dengan kata yang diberikan.
- Sinonim dalam Konteks: Makna kata harus disesuaikan dengan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
Strategi Menjawab
- Pahami konteks kalimat: Kata yang sama dapat memiliki arti berbeda tergantung kalimatnya.
- Contoh: Kata bright dapat berarti "cerdas" (bright student) atau "cerah" (bright sky).
- Gunakan Sinonim Parsial: Pilih jawaban yang memiliki kemiripan arti dalam konteks tertentu.
- Jika tidak tahu, gunakan strategi eliminasi untuk menghapus jawaban yang jelas salah.
Contoh Soal
"The committee proposed a radical change to the system, sparking intense debate among stakeholders."
What does the word "radical" most likely mean in the context?
a. Extreme
b. Unusual
c. Slow
d. Temporary
Jawaban: a. Extreme
(Konteks kalimat menunjukkan bahwa perubahan yang dimaksud adalah signifikan dan ekstrem.)
Reference adalah kata, frasa, atau klausa yang merujuk pada elemen lain dalam teks. Referensi ini sering muncul dalam bentuk kata ganti (it, they, this, these), atau frasa tertentu seperti such actions, this idea.
Jenis Referensi
- Referensi Kata Ganti: Kata ganti seperti he, she, it, they merujuk pada subjek tertentu dalam teks.
- Referensi Frasa atau Ide: Kata seperti this problem, such solutions merujuk pada ide atau konsep yang dijelaskan sebelumnya.
Strategi Menjawab
- Temukan kata referensi dalam teks yang disebutkan dalam soal.
- Lacak elemen yang dirujuk dengan membaca satu hingga dua kalimat sebelum atau sesudah kata referensi.
- Pastikan referensi sesuai dengan konteks kalimat dan ide utama.
Contoh Soal
"Albert Einstein is widely regarded as one of the greatest physicists of all time. His theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time. It also paved the way for significant advancements in modern physics."
What does the word "It" in the third sentence refer to?
a. Albert Einstein
b. Space and time
c. The theory of relativity
d. Modern physics
Jawaban: c. The theory of relativity
(Konteks menunjukkan bahwa "It" merujuk pada teori relativitas yang dibahas sebelumnya.)
The following text is for the question below.
The Importance of Urban Green Spaces
Urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, are vital to improving the quality of life in cities. They provide numerous benefits, including reducing air pollution, lowering temperatures, and enhancing mental well-being. However, despite these advantages, many urban areas are facing a significant decline in green spaces due to rapid urbanization and poor city planning.
Some city governments have taken commendable steps to address this issue by introducing policies to protect existing green spaces and create new ones. For example, Singapore has implemented a "City in a Garden" program, which integrates greenery into urban development. However, in many other parts of the world, such initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed.
Moreover, green spaces are often unequally distributed, with affluent neighborhoods enjoying well-maintained parks, while underprivileged areas lack access to such amenities. This inequality exacerbates social disparities and limits the potential benefits of green spaces for all citizens.
Thus, addressing this issue requires not only better planning but also community engagement to ensure equitable distribution and sustainable management of urban greenery.
What is the author’s attitude toward city governments that fail to protect green spaces?
A. Indifferent
B. Supportive
C. Critical
D. Optimistic
E. Neutral
Penulis mengkritik pemerintah kota yang gagal melindungi ruang hijau dengan frasa seperti "initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed." Hal ini menunjukkan sikap kritis.
The following text is for the question below.
The Importance of Urban Green Spaces
Urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, are vital to improving the quality of life in cities. They provide numerous benefits, including reducing air pollution, lowering temperatures, and enhancing mental well-being. However, despite these advantages, many urban areas are facing a significant decline in green spaces due to rapid urbanization and poor city planning.
Some city governments have taken commendable steps to address this issue by introducing policies to protect existing green spaces and create new ones. For example, Singapore has implemented a "City in a Garden" program, which integrates greenery into urban development. However, in many other parts of the world, such initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed.
Moreover, green spaces are often unequally distributed, with affluent neighborhoods enjoying well-maintained parks, while underprivileged areas lack access to such amenities. This inequality exacerbates social disparities and limits the potential benefits of green spaces for all citizens.
Thus, addressing this issue requires not only better planning but also community engagement to ensure equitable distribution and sustainable management of urban greenery.
What is the synonym of "inequality" as used in the text?
A. Disparity
B. Equity
C. Uniformity
D. Agreement
E. Balance
Dalam konteks ini, "inequality" mengacu pada ketidakseimbangan atau ketimpangan, yang sinonimnya adalah "disparity."
The following text is for the question below.
The Importance of Urban Green Spaces
Urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, are vital to improving the quality of life in cities. They provide numerous benefits, including reducing air pollution, lowering temperatures, and enhancing mental well-being. However, despite these advantages, many urban areas are facing a significant decline in green spaces due to rapid urbanization and poor city planning.
Some city governments have taken commendable steps to address this issue by introducing policies to protect existing green spaces and create new ones. For example, Singapore has implemented a "City in a Garden" program, which integrates greenery into urban development. However, in many other parts of the world, such initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed.
Moreover, green spaces are often unequally distributed, with affluent neighborhoods enjoying well-maintained parks, while underprivileged areas lack access to such amenities. This inequality exacerbates social disparities and limits the potential benefits of green spaces for all citizens.
Thus, addressing this issue requires not only better planning but also community engagement to ensure equitable distribution and sustainable management of urban greenery.
What does "this issue" in the second paragraph refer to?
A. The decline of green spaces
B. Urbanization
C. Poor city planning
D. Singapore's program
E. Social inequality
The decline of green spaces
Frasa "this issue" mengacu pada permasalahan yang disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu penurunan ruang hijau.
The following text is for the question below.
The Importance of Urban Green Spaces
Urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, are vital to improving the quality of life in cities. They provide numerous benefits, including reducing air pollution, lowering temperatures, and enhancing mental well-being. However, despite these advantages, many urban areas are facing a significant decline in green spaces due to rapid urbanization and poor city planning.
Some city governments have taken commendable steps to address this issue by introducing policies to protect existing green spaces and create new ones. For example, Singapore has implemented a "City in a Garden" program, which integrates greenery into urban development. However, in many other parts of the world, such initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed.
Moreover, green spaces are often unequally distributed, with affluent neighborhoods enjoying well-maintained parks, while underprivileged areas lack access to such amenities. This inequality exacerbates social disparities and limits the potential benefits of green spaces for all citizens.
Thus, addressing this issue requires not only better planning but also community engagement to ensure equitable distribution and sustainable management of urban greenery.
What does the word "sustainable" in the last paragraph mean?
A. Temporary
B. Irreversible
C. Long-lasting
D. Unstable
E. Fragile
Dalam konteks ini, "sustainable" berarti berkelanjutan atau dapat bertahan lama, sejalan dengan gagasan pengelolaan yang berkesinambungan.
The following text is for the question below.
The Importance of Urban Green Spaces
Urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, are vital to improving the quality of life in cities. They provide numerous benefits, including reducing air pollution, lowering temperatures, and enhancing mental well-being. However, despite these advantages, many urban areas are facing a significant decline in green spaces due to rapid urbanization and poor city planning.
Some city governments have taken commendable steps to address this issue by introducing policies to protect existing green spaces and create new ones. For example, Singapore has implemented a "City in a Garden" program, which integrates greenery into urban development. However, in many other parts of the world, such initiatives remain insufficient or poorly executed.
Moreover, green spaces are often unequally distributed, with affluent neighborhoods enjoying well-maintained parks, while underprivileged areas lack access to such amenities. This inequality exacerbates social disparities and limits the potential benefits of green spaces for all citizens.
Thus, addressing this issue requires not only better planning but also community engagement to ensure equitable distribution and sustainable management of urban greenery.
How would the author most likely feel about a community-driven initiative to improve green spaces?
A. Skeptical
B. Encouraging
C. Neutral
D. Opposed
E. Unsure
Penulis mendukung keterlibatan masyarakat, sebagaimana disebutkan di paragraf terakhir dengan frasa "community engagement" (keterlibatan masyarakat).
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