Belajar Pintar Materi SMP, SMA, SMK
Bahasa Inggris
Asking and Giving Opinion
Showing agreement
Sobat Pintar, ada juga lho ekspresi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan kalau kalian menyetujui sesuatu.
Saying that you agree :
- Yes, I agree with you. (Ya, Saya setuju denganmu)
- I’m sure you’re right. (Saya yakin anda benar.)
- That’s right (quite true). (Hal tersebut benar(hampir benar).)
- I think so too. (Saya berfikir juga seperti itu)
- I absolutely agree. (Saya sangat setuju.)
- That’s exactly what I think. (Hal tersebut seperti yang saya pikirkan.)
- Yes, I suppose so. (Ya, saya kira juga seperti itu.)
- I don’t have any objections. (Saya tidak keberatan.)
Showing disagreement
Sobat Pintar, ada juga lho ekspresi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan kalau kalian tidak menyetujui sesuatu.
Saying that you don’t agree (Mengutarakan apabila kamu tidak setuju):
- We will never agree. (Kami tidak pernah setuju)
- Not at all/Not really. (Tidak sama sekali)
- I disagree. (Saya tidak setuju)
- I think that’s nonsense. (Menurut saya itu tidak masuk akal)
- I see your point, but .... (Saya mengerti maksud anda)
- Yes, maybe, but .... (Ya, mungkin. Akan tetapi, ....)
- I don’t entirely agree with .... (Saya tidak sepenuhnya setuju dengan ....)
- You may be right, but .... (Mungkin saja anda benar, akan tetapi....)
- Do you think so? (Apakah kau berpikir seperti itu?)
- I see what you mean, but .... (Saya mengerti yang kamu maksud, tetapi)
- To some extent, yes, but .... (Dalam beberapa hal, saya setuju, akan tetapi ....)
- I don’t think so. (Saya tidak berpikir seperti itu)
- I don’t agree with you. (Saya tidak setuju dengamu)
- I’m not sure I agree with you. (Saya tidak yakin akan setuju denganmu.)
- I don’t like the idea. (Saya tidak setuju idenya.)
Example of Responding Someone's Opinion
Sobat Pintar! Di halaman ini kita pahami bersama dari contoh percakapan bagaimana merespon pendapat orang lain.
Nah, Sobat, percakapan tadi terdapat contoh penggunaan ekspresi merespon pendapat dari orang lain.
Yuk, ke halaman berikutnya untuk tahu seberapa kalian memahami percakapan tersebut!
Renjun: Hey, Ten! Do you want to hang out after work?
Ten : Sure, why not? What shall we do?
Renjun: I don’t know. What do you have in mind?
Ten : Why don’t we go to the cinema?
Renjun: I'm not sure about that, to be honest. The weather is so nice, and we've been inside all day. How about we try that new roof-top café space that just opened?
Ten : That sounds like a good idea. I hear they have amazing views.
Renjun: Me too. Someone told me it can be hard to get a table though.
Ten : Then I suggest we sneak out of work a little bit early so we can get one.
Renjun: I don't think that's a good idea. The boss has been so strict lately.
Ten : Okay, fine. But if we can't get a table at the café, we're going to the cinema instead.
Renjun: That's fair. Meet you in the lobby at 5:00 pm? We can walk there together.
Ten : Sounds good. I'll see you then.
Read the dialogue below!
Jessica : Hi, Krystal and Luna! What do you think about my newest product? Do you like it?
Krystal : Oh, hi. Absolutely. I love your product. The newest one. I think it fits with the trend this year.
Luna : Hi, Jess! That's exactly what I think. It's the proper time to launch the product.
Jessica : Okay, thank you dear for your review.
Krystal and Luna : No prob
How is Luna's respond towards Krystal's opinion?
A. Showing disagreement
B. Showing agreement
C. Asking for opinion
D. Giving opinion
Showing agreement
Dalam percakapan, Luna merespon pernyataan setuju dengan pendapat yang diutarakan Krystal.
Luna : Hi, Jess! That's exactly what I think. (Hal tersebut seperti yang saya pikirkan.)
Read the dialogue below!
Jessica : Hi, Krystal and Luna! What do you think about my newest product? Do you like it?
Krystal : Oh, hi. Absolutely. I love your product. The newest one. I think it fits with the trend this year.
Luna : Hi, Jess! That's exactly what I think. It's the proper time to launch the product.
Jessica : Okay, thank you dear for your review.
Krystal and Luna : No prob
What is the reason of Luna agreeing Krystal opinion?
A. It is the time to buy the product.
B. There is a problem in launching the product.
C. It is the right time for the product to be launched.
D. It is the launching event for the product.
It is the right time for the product to be launched.
Dalam percakapan, Luna mengatakan It's the proper time to launch the product. (Ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengeluarkan produk.). Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah yang memiliki makna yang sama.
Complete the dialogue above!
Maru : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sray : I think ___________ Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
A. You must sing
B. You should lie down and have some rest
C. You can see the doctor tonight
D. I will take you to the hospital
You should lie down and have some rest
Jawabannya adalah B.
Saran yang tepat adalah kamu harus berbaring dan istirahat.
Read the following dialogue!
Nina : “ ……… about South Kalimantan ?”
Ina : “Hm..m.. I think It’s not too big. But, it's not too small either and most of the people are friendly.”
A. What do you think
B. How do you like
C. What do you like
D. Why don’t you like
What do you think
Jawabannya adalah A.
Ekspresi yang tepat adalah apa yang kamu pikirkan "What do you think?"
Read the following dialogue!
Nimas and Yuni are at a shop. Nimas wants to buy an umbrella.
Nimas : How about this umbrella?
Yuni : I think it’s pretty good for you. It matches the colour of your clothes.
The underlined utterance is used to express ....
A. Agreement
B. Disappointed
C. Asking opinion
D. Surprise
Asking opinion
Jawabannya adalah C.
Kalimat yang digarisbawahi merupakan ekspresi bertanya tentang pendapat.
Read the dialogue below!
Gina : What’s your opinion about the novel?
Mila : I like it. It is fascinating
From the dialogue, we conclude that …
A. Mila doesn’t like the novel
B. They don’t read the novel
C. Mila disagrees with Gina’s opinion
D. Gina is asking Mila’s opinion
Gina is asking Mila’s opinion
Jawabannya adalah D.
Gina menanyakan pendapat Mila mengenai novelnya.
Read the dialogue below!
Leo : What do you think of this T-shirt?
Mac : I think it’s great!
From the dialogue, we know that Leo is …
A. Expressing opinion
B. Agreeing to Mac’s opinion
C. Asking for opinion
D. Asking the price
Asking for opinion
Jawabannya adalah C.
Leo menanyakan pendapat Mac terhadap T-Shirt nya.
Yah, jawaban kamu meleset nih. Ingin melihat pembahasan soal ini?
Jawaban kamu benar. Ingin lihat pembahasan soal ini?
Bersama Aku Pintar temukan jurusan kuliah yang tepat
sesuai minat dan bakatmu.
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