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IELTS Simple (Reading and Listening) - Tibra Overseas Edu

IELTS Simple (Reading and Listening)

Tibra Overseas Edu


Halo Sobat Pintar! Yuk ikuti Kelas IELTS Simple (Reading and Listening)

Di Kelas ini kamu akan mengikuti 5-Day Intensive Online Course via Zoom ini akan melatih kemampuan peserta untuk menjawab soal-soal Reading dan Listening.

Waktu Pelaksanaan : 
16.00-18.00 WIB/20.00-22.00 WIB 


Yang Akan Dipelajari

Day 1: In depth practice for form/note completion and labelling
Day 2: In depth practice for multiple choice, matching, summary completion
Day 3: In depth understanding and practice for Matching Headings and completion
Day 4: In depth understanding and practice for True/False questions and Matching
Day 5: In depth understanding and practice for Short Answer Question & Multiple Choices

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IELTS Simple (Reading and Listening)


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