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Again, Telkom University Becomes the No.1 Best Private University in Indonesia in 2020

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Merriam Merriam

4 December 2020

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Photo by Chaitanya Tvs on Unsplash

JAKARTA, Telkom University – The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) announced the 2020 clustering of Indonesian universities through the Kemendikbud website portal (http://klasterisasi-pt.kemendikbud.go.id).

Based on the press release of the Ministry of Education and Culture that there are 2 (two) formulation of the objectives of this clustering, which are to formulate characteristics of higher education quality that have been documented in the Higher Education Database and conduct clusterization studies based on certain characteristics for the benefit of higher education development, these two things are to build a foundation for Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education to make continuous improvements to improve organizational performance and health.

The 2020 Higher Education Ranking focuses on indicators or assessments based on Output – Outcome Base, namely by looking at Input Performance with a weight of 45% which includes Input performance (20%) and Process (25%), and Output Performance with a weight of 55% which includes Performance Output (25%), and Outcome (30%).

The assessment on the input aspect includes the percentage of lecturers with doctoral degrees, the percentage of lecturers in the post of head and professorship, the ratio of the number of lecturers to the number of students, the number of foreign students, and the number of lecturers working as practitioners in the industry for a minimum of 6 months.

In the process aspect, there are 9 indicators used, including Institutional Accreditation, Study Program Accreditation, Online Learning, Higher Education Collaboration, Completeness of PDDIKTI Reports, Number of Study Programs in collaboration with DUDI, NGO or QS Top 100 WCU by subject, Number of Study Programs implementing programs Merdeka Learning, the number of students who participate in the Free Learning Program.

In the output aspect, there are four indicators used, including the number of indexed scientific articles per lecturer, research performance, student performance, the number of study programs that have obtained International Accreditation or Certification. Meanwhile, in the outcome aspect, there are five indicators used, including innovation performance, number of citations per lecturer, number of patents per lecturer, community service performance, and the percentage of college graduates who get a job within 6 months.

Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof. Adiwijaya expressed his deepest gratitude to the Academic Community of Telkom University and the Stakeholders for this achievement and emphasized that Telkom University’s focus is not on results but the parameters of its assessment.

“We are grateful for this achievement, thanks to all Telkom University Academics and Stakeholders for all their hard work and support. Furthermore, it is not the ranking that we focus on, but the assessment of the input, process, output, and outcome parameters as an evaluation for us to continue the quality improvement. Hopefully, this achievement will be an encouragement for all academicians to always give their best in contributing to the Indonesian nation, “he said.

Based on the assessment indicators from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Adiwijaya added that Tel-U is superior in terms of outcomes, namely in innovation and community service performance, the number of citations and patents per lecturer, and the percentage of the absorption of graduates by industry within 6 months.

“Alhamdulillah, from the outcome, Tel-U achieved the outstanding value and is included in the National Top 10. It is because Tel-U focuses on developing the best innovative research products as proven by the Widyapadhi IPTEK Award as a private university with the best innovation management in Indonesia. Tel-U is also active in various programs of community service activities as well as the absorption of graduates in Industry with an average waiting period of 2.92 months from the results of the tracer study, “he explained.

Director-General of Higher Education, Prof. Nizam said the clustering of higher education, which is carried out annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture, consists of clusters 1 to 5. This clustering does not mean to provide a ranking for universities. The essence of this clustering is to classify universities according to their level of development.

“We see the clustering of higher education aspects of management as a whole. So from input, process, output, and outcome, “He said during an online press conference, Monday (17/8/2020)

Based on the press release of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the following 19 best universities from 2,136 universities in Indonesia in 2020:

Bogor Agricultural University (cluster 1)

University of Indonesia (Cluster 1)

Gadjah Mada University (Cluster 1)

Airlangga University (Cluster 1)

Bandung Institute of Technology (Cluster 1)

Ten November Institute of Technology (Cluster 1)

Hasanuddin University (Cluster 1)

Brawijaya University (Cluster 1)

Diponegoro University (Cluster 1)

Padjadjaran University (Cluster 1)

Sebelas Maret University (Cluster 1)

Yogyakarta State University (Cluster 1)

Andalas University (Cluster 1)

University of North Sumatra (Cluster 1)

State University of Malang (Cluster 1)

Indonesian Education University (Cluster 2)

Telkom University (Cluster 2)

Semarang State University (Cluster 2)

Surabaya State University (cluster 2)


Sumber : https://telkomuniversity.ac.id/en/again-telkom-university-becomes-the-no-1-best-private-university-in-indonesia-in-2020/