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News Item: Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, dan Contoh

Berita yang kita baca biasanya, apakah sudah mengikuti tujuan dan struktur News Item Text?

Definisi dan Tujuan News Item Text

News Item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian/peristiwa harian. Peristiwa harian ini dianggap pantas dijadikan berita atau penting.

Tujuan seseorang menuliskan news item adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada pembaca, pemirsa, atau pendengar, berita yang menarik dan layak menjadi berita dan dengan cara pemberitaan yang mengundang perhatian publik.

Ciri- Ciri dari News Item Text

Photo by Filip Mishevski from Unsplash

Sobat Pintar, diantara kalian ada yang sudah tahukah apa saja yang mencirikan sebuah teks termasuk dalam News Item?

  1. Fokus pada suatu kejadian
  2. Terdapat headline yang mengandung informasi singkat
  3. Menggunakan beberapa kata kerja yang berguna untuk menginformasikan sesuatu, seperti (happened, told, said, informed, quoted, reported, etc.)
  4. Terdapat kalimat tidak langsung dan kalimat langsung yang menggunakan tanda kutip ("....")
  5. Di dalam teks ini mengandung keterangan tempat, waktu dan juga detail peristiwanya terjadi.
  6. Salah satu News Item Text yang dapat menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menjelaskan fakta dan juga Simple Past Tense yang menjelaskan kejadian masa lampau.

Jenis- Jenis Contoh Kalimat dalam News Item

Photo by Ashni from Unsplash

1.    Kalimat Langsung

  • “People will look for different locations and experiences through outdoor travel experiences,” said PHRI Human Resources Training Chair Alexander Nayoan on Tuesday, November 30.
  • “So, companies that are able to develop today are those that have adapted in the digital era,” Alexander opined.

2.    Kalimat Tidak Langsung

  • The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) predicted that nature-based or outdoor tourism will still become a travel trend in 2022 as tourists do not only seek travel experience but also wellness trips amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Unfortunately, Alexander said foreign tourist visits could not be expected to boost the country’s tourism.

Struktur dari News Item

Nah, Sobat Pintar, berikut ini terdapat tiga susunan umum dalam menulis news item:

1. Main Event

Berisi tentang kejadian utama yang menjadi bahan tulisan. Kejadian utama yang pantas dijadikan berita. Sederhananya ada peristiwa apa, dimana, dan kapan terjadinya.

2. Elaboration

Berisi tentang rentetan peristiwa lain yang melatarbelakangi peristiwa utama terjadi. Peristiwa lain yang memberikan pengaruh sehingga peristiwa utama terjadi.  Penjelasan mengenai latar belakang adanya peristiwa tersebut; orang-orang yang terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut; tempat peristiwa terjadi; dan lain-lain.

3. Resource of Information

Berisi tentang pernyataan sumber berita. Bisa berupa komentar pelaku, saksi, pendapat para ahli dan juga pihak yang dianggap berwenang dan lain-lain.

​​​​​​​Contoh dari News Item

Second step of reopening plan confirmed

Photo by Obi Onyeador from Unsplash

As of Wednesday 19 May, indoor sports facilities will reopen and people will once again be able to visit outdoor leisure locations like amusement parks, open air museums and open-air theatres. People from the same household or up to 2 people from different households (not counting children under 13) can attend these locations together. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants, bars and cafés can also be open longer, from 06.00 to 20.00. Find out here what other measures are being lifted or relaxed as of 19 May.
Public libraries will reopen on 20 May. Initially, they had not been mentioned in step 2 of the reopening plan, but the government has decided to now include them. Reservations and a health check are mandatory.
(Source: Government of Netherland/ May 17, 2021)

Australia winces at footage of child falling between train and platform

Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash

Sydney - Australia released hair-raising security images on Tuesday of a child falling between a train station platform and a train, as a reminder to parents to stay vigilant during the busy school holidays.
A train stops at a Sydney station, and a woman pushes a stroller toward the open doors, in the closed-circuit television pictures. As she prepares to lift the stroller onto the train, the child walking beside her plunges into the gap between the woman and the train. The woman then raises her arm to draw the attention of station staff, while passersby pull the apparently unharmed child back onto the platform.
"A simple thing such as holding your child's hand when moving around stations and boarding a train can help prevent them from being seriously injured or worse," Andrew Constance, the transport minister of New South Wales, said in a statement.
The clip was widely shared on social media, with a post by Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd's drawing 1,600 comments and 1,100 "shares".
More than half of train station accidents on the 178-station Sydney Trains network take place at the three busiest stations in the city's central business district, Chief Executive Howard Collins said.
"The most important message I'd like to share with parents is please don't rush around stations or platforms," he added.
(Source: www.thejakartapost.com/ Tue, July 2, 2019 / 02:46 pm)

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​​​​​​​Penulis: Dimas Rizki Mulia
​​​​​​​Editor: Nur Hamidatul Mauidloh


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