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Asking and Giving Suggestion

Penjelasan dan Contoh Penggunaan Asking and Giving Suggestion dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Foto oleh Thirdman dari Pexels

What is Suggestion?

Halo, Sobat Pintar! Sebelum kita membahas lebih lanjut tentang Asking and Giving Suggestion, kita bahas dulu yuk apa itu Suggestion. Menurut Kamus Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan Indonesia, arti kata suggestion adalah usul. Menurut Cambridge Dictionary, suggestion is an idea, plan, or action that is suggested or the act of suggesting it:

- I don't know what to eat tonight - do you have any suggestions?

  - She made some very helpful suggestions but her boss rejected them all.

- [ + that ] They didn't like my suggestion that we should all share the cost.

Foto oleh Tirachard Kumtanom dari Pexels

Asking Suggestion

Selain Giving Suggestion sebagai ungkapan untuk memberi pendapat, mari kita pelajari juga tentang Asking Suggestion, yaitu menanyakan pendapat. Contoh dari Asking Suggestion adalah:

- Do you have any idea for me?

- Do you have any suggestions for me?

- Do you have any advice for me?

- Would you mind giving me your suggestion?

- What should I do?

Contoh Dialog Asking Suggestion

Gilang: Hi Haris, How are you today?

Haris: I am feeling blue today.

Gilang: What’s wrong with you?

Haris: I got 4 for my English examination yesterday.

Gilang: Don’t be sad. I’m sure you can get a better score next time. You should study hard.

Haris: Thank you for your suggestion.

Gilang: It’s OK. My pleasure.

Foto oleh Gustavo Fring dari Pexels

Giving Suggestion

Sobat Pintar, Giving Suggestion dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah expressions atau ungkapan untuk memberi saran. Penggunaan suggestions yang dimaksud bisa berbentuk solusi, saran, rencana, ide, maupun sebuah nasihat, seperti dikutip dari e-Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas IV terbitan Kemendikbud yang disusun oleh English Teachers Community.

Giving suggestion biasanya ditandai dengan ungkapan seperti berikut:

- Maybe you should... (Sebaiknya kamu harus...)

- I suggest .... (Saranku...)

- I recommend you to.... (Aku menyarankan kamu untuk...)

- You need/ought to.... (Kamu perlu/seharusnya untuk...)

- You had better.... (Kamu lebih baik...)

- I think you should.... (Aku pikir kamu harus...)

- I advise you to....(Aku menyarankan kamu untuk...).

Contoh Dialog Giving Suggestion

Karina: My dad coughed all night long. He can’t go to work today.

Ryan: He had better go to the doctor. I hope that he will get well soon.


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